Character Creation
"Oh, this is interesting..."
"Everyone, come gather around! I am seeing a new adventurer being chosen..."
"It seems they are a tad lost. I wonder how they will experience life? Perhaps they want an easy life here in Jungalore, perhaps they want a life full of adventure... Let's see what they think!"
Character Skeleton Sample[edit | edit source]
You can use this character skeleton as a base for your characters.
Creating Your Character[edit | edit source]
Play Mode[edit | edit source]
Select the play mode you want to experience for Jungalore. Depending on what you pick, you may be locked out of some features. If you want the full Jungalore experience, type FF. If you want to simply create a story at your own pace, at the cost of the full experience, type PL. If you are unsure, simply choose FL. You can read on each of these play modes in Play Modes at any time.
"Hmm... That's a good choice. Don't you all agree? However, let's learn a bit more about them..."
Details[edit | edit source]
- Name: Your character name.
- Alternate Alias(es): Any names your character also goes by. This is an optional line, so it may be deleted if you don't fill it out.
- Titles: These are achievements you have made in Jungalore. Right now, you should have none.
- Gender: Are you a male or a female? This is mostly for visualization purposes. Also, Jungalore is governed by gods with a high system of order. Hence, only males and females are allowed.
- Age: How old is your character? You can be a minimum of ten years old, as this is the basis for entering all starter classes in Jungalore. You should skip this one if you are unsure and check the life expectancy of each race before making a decision.
- Race: This has an effect on stat modifiers and any extra skills you gain as a result of the blood coursing through your veins. This will also give you an idea as to your normal life expectancy.
- Subrace: This applies once you have taken up a special race, such as vampire or werewolf. You can choose none if you want, but to start out (assuming you are on FL or FF mode) you may pick Vampire, Werewolf, or Insecta. All subraces start at level zero and gain levels independent of quests via their quest lines.
- Death Count: How many times you have died. Starts at zero.
- Class: As a member of Jungalore's society, you must contribute to it in some way. Assuming you are in FL or FF mode, you have the choice of six starting classes. The first three are Soldier (a defense-based class), Scout (a physical attacker class), and Scholar (a magical class). Next is the Performer (uses music to deal buffs) and the ever-notorious Adventurer (a jack-of-all-trades, but a master of none). Lastly is the Peasant, the weakest of the first classes, who starts with less total stats and less items, but upon changing to an actual first class gains two extra job points. Be sure to read up on all these in the Classes page, and take into consideration the final classes.
- Morals: Morals refers to good and evil, which encompasses how one treats the lives of others in the world of Jungalore. The options also include a neutral position.
- Order: Order refers to being lawful or chaotic. This gives your character an overall sense of whether or not they choose to abide by the governing systems, or whether they choose to live freely by their own rules. Outlaws will generally be chaotic, for instance.
- Associations/Guild: This is where you may put any guild you are in, the clan you belong to, and any other miniature groups you may be a part of. Should be empty for now.
- Level (Quests Complete): Always starts at zero. This is Jungalore's version of "levels" and caps at 100. See the classes page to check the progression of each.
- Experience: Starts at zero and supplements growth. You can read more about it on the leveling methods page.
"Wow! This person seems very interesting already. I wonder what they look like though, as I can't see them all too well yet..."
Appearance[edit | edit source]
This section is entirely cosmetic, but a brief description of each field will be provided regardless. All cosmetic features are available to change freely as the character deems fit. However, changes to appearance should be worked in through roleplay.
- Weight: How thin or fat is your character? You can use exact values or words to fill this in.
- Height: How short or tall is your character? You can use exact values or words to fill this in.
- Muscle: How muscular is your character? You should use words like "built" or "none" or "small" to help define this.
- Hair: What type of hair does your character have, and what colour? Keep in mind your race when selecting this. Meridians will always have a style called "Meridian Standard" given that they're fish people like from a certain other game (though, you can customize it slightly). Reptal will always have horns, fins, or feathery manes, given that they're reptilian humanoids. All other races will have normal hair.
- Facial Hair: What kind of facial hair does your character have? Once more, keep in mind the race. Meridians and Reptal may only have whiskers. Kemonor may have whiskers or regular facial hair.
- Eyes: What sort of eye style do you have and what colour? If no eye style is provided, it is assumed your character has either slit pupils for Reptal and Meridian characters, and circular pupils for all other races.
- Skin: What is your skin colour and do you have any tans? For Reptal, this is scale colours and any patterns. For Meridians, this is also skin colours and patterns.
- Special: Any extra features such as moles, freckles, glasses, and so on.
- Scars: Any scarring your character has. This may accumulate over time.
- Tattoos: Any tattoos your character has obtained. These are usually in relation to achievements or class changes.
- Current Clothing: What your character is wearing at this time.
"My, such a unique appearance. It will be hard to miss someone like this one, that's for sure. Let's take a look at their current gear though..."
Stats and Equipment[edit | edit source]
Note, when making your character, the stats listed in the respective starter class pages do not take into account your equipment or racial bonuses. These are not provided here either as it's meant to give you some practice in adding these in yourself. Plus, knowing your base stats is very important.
Furthermore, it is worth noting that the slashes differentiate between your main and auxiliary (aux) equipment.
- Available Vitality Points: The available points to allocate into your Life and/or Will stats. How many you earn per quest varies upon your class.
- Available Stat Points: The available stat points you have to allocate into Attack, Defense, Magic Attack, and/or Magic Defense. You will always gain four per quest completion, for a grand total of 400 at max level.
- Life: Your overall capacity to take hits. If this value reaches zero, you are injured to the point of unconsciousness. Starting life stat varies from class to class.
- Will: Your overall ability to use skills. When this hits zero, you cannot use certain skills. Starting will varies from class to class.
- Attack: Your ability to deal physical damage. The left side of the slash is your main gear, while the right is your aux gear. The starting value of this stat varies from class to class. Note, you should always keep your base amount on record for the sake of ease.
- Magic Attack: Your ability to deal magical damage. The left side of the slash is your main gear, while the right is your aux gear. The starting value of this stat varies from class to class. Note, you should always keep your base amount on record for the sake of ease.
- Defense: Your ability to block physical damage. The left side of the slash is your main-hand gear, while the right is your aux gear. The starting value of this stat varies from class to class. Note, you should always keep your base amount on record for the sake of ease.
- Magic Defense: Your ability to block magical damage. The left side of the slash is your main gear, while the right is your aux gear. The starting value of this stat varies from class to class. Note, you should always keep your base amount on record for the sake of ease.
- Speed: The speed of your weapon attacks. This varies based on each weapon. The left side of the slash is your main gear, while the right is your aux gear.
- Position: The position of your character in battle, either the front or back row. If you can use either, you decide,
- Damage Type: The type of damage your weapon does. The left side of the slash is your main gear, while the right is your aux gear. The damage types vary from weapon to weapon. If your weapon deals multiple types, separate with a comma.
- Weapon Statuses: The statuses that your weapons deal along with their percentages. The left side of the slash is your main gear, while the right is your aux gear. The statuses and chances vary from weapon to weapon.
- Bonus Status Apply: The bonus chance of statuses applying. This is equal to (Base Attack + Base Magic Attack)/100, rounded down to the nearest percentile. Base stats refer to stats before taking into account equipment, enchants, and so on.
- Bonus Status Resist: The negation to chances of statuses applying to you. This is equal to (Base Defense + Base Magic Defense)/100, rounded down to the nearest percent. Base stats refer to stats before taking into account equipment, enchants, and so on.
- Elements: The elements of each weapon along with their charges. The left side of the slash is your main gear, while the right is your aux gear.
- Weaknesses: The weaknesses you have to certain elements. The left side of the slash is your main gear, while the right is your aux gear.
- Resistances: The resistances you have to certain elements. The left side of the slash is your main gear, while the right is your aux gear.
- Enchant Effects: The enchantments you have based on your currently equipped gear. These may be applied to either armor or weapons. The left side of the slash is your main gear, while the right is your aux gear.
- Special: This is your attribute, which is altered based on your race and subrace. It can also be changed with certain skills. Other bonus effects are also placed here.
The next part refers to your equipment.
- Head: Your headgear.
- Body: Your body armor.
- Arm: Your arm gear (gauntlets or talismans).
- Main R Hand: Your main weapon.
- Main L Hand: Your other weapon in your main hand slot or your shield.
- Aux R Hand: Your auxiliary weapon.
- Aux L Hand: Your other auxiliary weapon or your auxiliary shield.
- Misc: Any accessory your character is using. At first you can only equip jewelry type accessories, however, more become available as you progress.
"I see! Well, they aren't that well equipped, but they at least have some stuff to protect themselves with... Maybe we should check their inventory to see if they at least have some items."
Inventory[edit | edit source]
When starting out all characters except for Peasants have the following...
- 3 Small Potions
- 1000 Legens
Peasants will start with...
- 1 Small Potion
- 60 Legens
- Bag Level: The numerical indicator of the size of your inventory. Bags max out at level 5. Max space is equal to bag level times ten. All characters start with bag level one.
- Legens: The currency of Jungalore.
- Legens in Bank: As it says, this is the numerical indicator of how many Legens are in your bank account.
- GCs: The amount of Gambling Chips you have on your person for use in the Velian Casino.
- x/Y0: The indicator of how many item slots are being used as well as your carrying capacity. The x is how many slots are being used. The Y is equal to your bag level, starting at level one for a total of 10 slots. Since you have a set of potions, one slot is being used, and so x is equal to one.
- z/10 Small Potions: The starting amount of small potions. All items listed below the above sections are the stacks of items you are currently carrying, and this particular stack is a starting example.
"Hmm... Well, not too much, but I suppose they will have to earn their way. I wonder what skills they will bring to the table though."
Skills[edit | edit source]
In this section, all of your skills are listed. All characters start with Campfire (with a default will cost of 60 will, indicated in brackets, but be sure to change this if you're a Scholar). Refer to your respective class page to check the skills you have.
Note, you do not lose skills as you change class unless stated otherwise, such as in the transition from Peasant to any first class. A Soldier or Scout will always have Bash, even when they go to their second, third, or final class.
Lastly, all subracial skills are listed here along with your racial skill. Passive and active skills should be separated for better organization.
Job Skills[edit | edit source]
Starting out, you will have no job skills, but every level you will be given one Job Skill Point. These can be used to better your crafting and help personalize your character. Note that Peasants, upon changing to a proper first class, will have two additional points awarded to them. To see all the skills, refer to the Jobs page and read up on as much as you want.
- Current Points: Current points available to allocate.
- Allocated Points: The number of points you have placed into Job Skills.
- Points From Levels: The amount of skill points you have earned by completing quests (as well as from the peasant change).
- Points From Items: The amount of skill points you have earned from items (generally earned from events).
- Total Points: The total number of points you have.
"Oh, this should help them quite a bit! Surely they will be known for these talents. Now to just look over some final details..."
Quests[edit | edit source]
This section is used to list the active quests you have. If you wish, you may also list any completed quests.
Familiars[edit | edit source]
This section is used to list the familiars (pets) you have tamed. You should give each a pet name and list the monster name. All familiars are kept at the stables of any town with a Carriage or a Dragon (Sea Creatures can only be kept in coastal towns with a Port). If you own your own Stables or Fish Tank as a part of your house, your Familiars will be accessible there.
House[edit | edit source]
This section is used to track your house. You should list all your stored items here as well.
- Location: The location of your house.
- Stories: How many stories does your house have? (Maximum of two. Obtained via upgrading.)
- Cellar: Does your house have the cellar? (Obtained via upgrading.)
- Components: Here is listed all the components of your house.
- Limit: The storage limit of your house.
Conclusion[edit | edit source]
"I see! Okay, let's look over everything once more..."
"It seems everything is set. Now all I have to do is store this entry in the civilian records..."
Post your profile to the character thread and await confirmation via PM from SomebodyElse.
"Well, that should be everything. I can't wait to see what this person will experience in Jungalore! Perhaps romance? Adventures? Maybe they'll become a famous merchant! Who knows? All that's left is to see where their adventure takes off!"
Now make your first post as your character here!
Additional Resources[edit | edit source]
- Joseph P. Beaubien, known on YouTube as Terrible Writing Advice has a number of videos of what not to do when writing. You can check out these videos here.
- Roger van der Weide is a flash animator from Newgrounds who has made a series with Luke the Fox and many others called "Sonic Dissected" which puts the Sonic the Hedgehog series through his and his guests' own analysis. With this series comes excellent advice on writing, not only for characters and balance, but for plot progression as well. It is encouraged to check out that series here.
- Shaelin Bishop is an excellent author who has made a number of writing resources available online. One such resource is "Four Exercises for Character Development" and is highly recommended for fleshing out your character(s). You can find this resource in "Writing Resources" on her website located here. You can also find her YouTube channel here for additional tips.