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Morpho are a classification of enemies that consist of slime-like creatures.

About[edit | edit source]

These unusual creatures have been around for as long as anyone remembers. Most are often harmless, but the largest ones, the Great Morphos, and their kin often pose a challenge to newbies out in the open world. The smaller ones, ranging from the size of a thimble to a football, often retreat from any dangerous situation. However, the larger ones often fight back, especially if the challenger enters its marked territory. The Great Morphos are more aggressive than their little relatives, and have several evolutionary advantages that allow it to perform quite well in combat, despite their weaker bodies.

These creatures display an immense level of environmental adaptation; Morphos found in the volcanic regions have ablative bodies that absorb and use the heat of the lava to power their vital processes, while ones found in high mountains have reinforced, yet immensely flexible skins to help withstand the extreme winds and rarefied atmosphere in the cold mountains heights.

Great Morphos[edit | edit source]

Great Morphos also show a surprising level of ecological evolution, capable of utilizing each 'element' to some extent. While Great Lava Morphos have been seen to fire off a fireball at an undefended flank, Great Aqua Morphos have been seen to trick an unwary victim to an underwater tunnel, then to ambush them using the current as a propellant.

In rare cases, Great Morphos have been known to avoid combat entirely - especially if severely wounded. However, their natural inclination to predatory behavior makes this a very rare outcome of any battle.

The difference between a Morpho and a Great Morpho is not only by size - but by specific evolutionary enhancements that allow it an edge in combat. A Great Morpho of any elemental affinity has cartilage-like bones within itself, which can be reconfigured for a variety of tasks such as entrenchment, building a hard-point, and even in the cases of Great Water Morphos, filtering swamp water to absorb into itself as nourishment.

Reproduction[edit | edit source]

Morphos usually reproduce by budding - allowing small nodules to form on its surface and fall off. These nodules grow to become independent Morphos, while sacrificing some biomass of the parent. This means a parent Morpho will lose some of its size to create offspring. Rarely, Morphos reproduce sexually - two or more combining their mass into one massive core of genetic information exchange, then break down into hundreds of offspring, completely consuming the parents' biomass. This method is known to create some interesting mutations which may be a part of 'gene testing' to allow it to adapt to its environment.

List of Morpho[edit | edit source]

Number Name
#001 Aqua Morpho
#002 Lava Morpho
#003 Icy Morpho
#004 Toxic Morpho
#005 Great Morpho