Play Modes
When playing Jungalore, you have the option of playing in one of three varying modes. These game modes are in place to allow all role players of all walks to enjoy Jungalore how they see fit.
Play Mode is tied to individual characters, meaning you can have characters of varying play modes as you see fit.
Game Modes[edit | edit source]
There are three different modes you can play Jungalore in:
- FF Mode: Full Mode with Full Effects.
- FL Mode: Full Mode with Lite Effects.
- PL Mode: Pure Lite Mode. Only Lite Effects apply.
Normally you may choose to change your play mode as you see fit. However, if you are playing PL Mode, you may not switch to FL or FF mode (except under specific circumstances). You also may not switch your play mode in combat or in a dungeon.
Lite Effects (FL or PL)[edit | edit source]
- You have as much bag space as you determine.
- You can play as any of the regular six races, as well as any non-boss monster instead of a regular character. In the case of humanoids, you may still use classes and such as normal.
- Battles are done without any form of numbers. All skills and attacks have no calculations.
- By extension, you cannot engage in PvP with FF Mode players while in FL Mode or PL Mode.
- You cannot gain levels, experience, or job points.
- You cannot gain any titles except the book titles and travel titles.
- You can start as any class and change your class at any point.
- Peasant has special rules. Please refer to its page for more details.
- You can equip any weapon or armor types.
- This includes weapons/armors that do not exist in Jungalore, all regardless of class.
- You cannot gain actual items or Legens from drops, dungeon boss chests, or vendors. However, you can add any sort of item to your character, including non-existent items.
- All items, including armors and weapons, are considered RP items while in FL Mode or PL Mode. The same applies with Legens, being RP Legens. These cannot be traded for actual Legens or items, and cannot be traded for FH$.
- In association with the above, you cannot gain legendary weapons or heroic armors.
- If you own any legendary weapons and convert to PL Mode, your character's memory of the legendary weapon, along with the legendary weapon's ownership status will be forcibly erased, and it will be able to be obtained by FF Mode players.
- You can have a free house anywhere of your choosing.
- This home does not function as an actual player home. However, it can have anything you like inside it, and be placed anywhere you desire.
- You may still get married and have children.
- Getting married or having children will carry over to Full Mode, but will not have its regular effects until the minimum housing requirements and fees are supplied. If a PL and either FF or FL mode player get married, the FF/FL player will need to pay for both spouses.
Full Effects (FF Only)[edit | edit source]
- You have as much bag space as you have obtained.
- You can start as a peasant or any first class.
- Your equipment is restricted based on the class you are playing as.
- You must purchase your home and all of its components.
- All items are either dropped or purchased. All legens are either dropped or traded for.
- You must gain the necessary quest levels to advance.
- Battles are done with calculations and rolls where applicable.
Determining Starting Mode[edit | edit source]
The mode that you play is determined by your starting class. If you start as a...
- Peasant Class: You may start under FF Mode, FL Mode, or PL Mode.
- First Class/Adventurer/Performer: You may start under FF Mode, FL Mode, or PL Mode.
- Second Class/Third Class/Fourth Class/Paragon: You may start under PL Mode.
If you are playing FL Mode and decide to advance your class at all before you have completed the regular quest amounts, you will be set to PL Mode for the rest of the RP.
Peasant Class Change[edit | edit source]
If you are playing a Peasant, then you may switch to a first class from either FF Mode or FL Mode and not be forced to play PL Mode. If you are in FL mode, you must have posted a minimum of 18 times as that character. If you are in FF mode, you will automatically switch with 13 quest completions as normal. You will only be forced to play PL Mode if you are already in PL Mode.
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- SomebodyElse compared the play mode system to Minecraft's survival and creative modes.
- The main reason SomebodyElse wanted this system in place was to give creative players more freedom to write, while also not over-empowering those playing in Lite Mode.