
From The Chronicles of Jungalore Wiki
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Attributes: Anomaly
Classification: Intruder
Level: {{{monlvl}}}
Alignment: {{{monali}}}
Speed: Slow
Life: 100
Will: ???
Atk: 10
Def: 20
Mat: 0
Mdf: 0
Tamable: Yes
Legens: 0
Experience: {{{exp}}}
Enchant: {{{ench}}}
Drops: Corpse

"An unusual creature standing at 10 inches long. No two are alike in coloration. Has large, floppy 'bunny ears' and walks around on two stubby legs. While it has an unusual face, it's flesh is delicious when stewed, and is a popular new addition to the meals of peasants and bandits alike."

Appearance[edit | edit source]

One of the first Intruder-class creatures to be discovered by the Magus Guild and written into the Codex Animalius, the Pokute is a small creature with a soft, pulpy flesh body and almost no bone aside from some cartilage in its legs. Its large, floppy ears often remind viewers of a rabbit. It vocalizes in a single-tone, low-pitch call that sounds similar to that of an evening cicada.

A trait it shares with almost all Intruder-type creatures, it appears incapable of perceiving any creature that does not use magic - making it an easy kill for a peasant armed with a spear. If it senses danger in the form of hostile magic use against it, it will usually attempt to retreat - only going for attack if cornered.

They can only be encountered south of Frenga Farms. There are rumors that they have been spotted in the Bandit Isles, but that's currently unconfirmed.

Combat[edit | edit source]

As noted above, Pokutes are passive creatures that even a level 1 peasant could easily knock out and cook to a stew... assuming the attacker did not use magic. Magic users appear to be 'visible' to it, and it will rapidly break into evasion and escape - they are especially nimble when in jungle terrain.

Skills[edit | edit source]

Skill Name Description Type
Jungle Escapist.png Jungle Escapist Lv. 1
Gains a 80% bonus on fleeing actions if terrain is Jungle-type. Passive

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • When tamed as a familiar, this monster will follow its master around. Can either be useable as a decoy, or emergency food supplies. It goes without saying that if killed, it will not respawn.